
I like to monitor my comments by RSS. That keeps all the fun blog related stuff in the feed reader and leaves my email for important stuff. Unfortunately, this has resulted in some comments languishing unnoticed in the moderation queue since there doesn’t seem to be an easy way (that I found with a quick search) to get the comments awaiting moderation into a feed. So here is a very simple plugin to put comments awaiting moderation into an RSS feed.


  • RSS feed of comments awaiting moderation
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Hosting Problems and How to Restore Lost Pings

I just checked in here and found the last couple days of comments missing. Luckily, they were stored in gmail and I think I restored them all. But if you left a comment recently and it isn’t here now, it’s not that I don’t like you (just that my host apparently doesn’t like me).

A couple of the comments were pings and I wouldn’t have know how to get them back if I hadn’t messed around with pinging for my WP_PingPreserver plugin, so I figured it might be useful to put up a quick bit on how to recover lost pings. You’ll need to know a little bit about php to use it I guess but if you don’t know php and need to restore some pings let me know and I’ll make up a quick plugin. So here’s some simple (i.e. probably not perfectly to specifications) php code to restore lost pings on WordPress:

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Matrix-like Texticon example Letters Texticon example DNA-like Texticon example

I realize I’m getting in the dead horse beating side of automatic avatar creation plugins but brainsolid asked for a plugin to generate binary avatars that looked like the text from the matrix and I figured it wouldn’t take too long to change WP_Identicon over to it. Of course, then other things came up and I managed to take quite a while to get around to it but it’s done now so here is WP_Texticon. It generates avatars with an array of colored characters. It’s sort of hard to describe so it’s probably easier to just show a few examples.

So I guess it’s mostly for anyone that likes that text in the Matrix, writing about code (with 0 and 1’s or 0-9 and A-E if you want to get fancy) or biologists (give every commenter their own DNA sequence with ATCG) or maybe general literature (with some random letters and a white background).


  • Dynamically generated avatars for each commenter
  • Matrix/DNA/Binary-like text array icons
  • Customizable character selection
  • Gravatar support
  • No theme edits necessary

Current Version:


Installation instructions:

Unzip wp_texticon.zip. Upload wp_texticon.php and the texticon folder. Make sure the texticon folder is writable. If your unzipping program creates a wp_texticon folder please only upload the contents (wp_texticon.php and the texticon folder). That should be it. Texticons should now appear next to your commenter’s names.

You can adjust the background colors, the type and number of characters making up the Texticons and CSS in the Texticon Control Panel. If you’d like to change the fonts used for the characters, add or remove any Truetype Fonts (files that end in .ttf) you’d like to the texticon/fonts folder. You can also clear the Texticon image cache in the control panel.

For Advanced Users:

For even more control, you can disable the automatic placement in the Texticon Control Panel and add an Texticon to any comment with texticon_build($comment->comment_author_email, $comment->comment_author);. For example, find the comments.php of your current theme (it should be in the folder wp-content/themes/[currentThemeName]/). Open it up and look for something similar to foreach ($comments as $comment). Inside this loop there should be code that displays the comment author’s name or metadata like <p class="comment-author"> or <p class="comment-metadata">. Just before all this enter:
<?php if (function_exists(texticon_build)) echo texticon_build($comment->comment_author_email, $comment->comment_author); ?>
If you would prefer to base the Texticons on the commentor’s IP address instead of the commentor’s email just replace $comment->comment_author_email in the above with $comment->comment_author_IP.

Change Log:

  • v0.52 3-27-2007:
    • Fixed missing gravatar bug
  • v0.51 3-27-2007:
    • First Public Version


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Alternative WordPress Avatar Plugin

Wavatar Examples

Shamus (of DM of the Rings fame) has made his own avatar generating WordPress plugin called Wavatars. They do look pretty good. I like the gradients he uses and the artwork looks pretty nice (almost as good as say monsters or geometric shapes ;) ).

He has some good ideas with automatically adding the icon to the user’s name (I had thought this would mess up the html but now that I think about it should be ok for most blogs) and gravatar support (I suppose they’ll be catching on now that they were bought by the WordPress guy) that I think I’ll implement in my plugins in the near future.

Hopefully we’ll see more automatic avatar generating plugins as they catch on.


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WP_Folksonomy Screenshot

Aziz of metaBLOG suggests that the new tags in WordPress 2.3 can be used to create a “folksonomy” on WordPress blogs. For those not in the know (including me until a couple days ago), a folksonomy is is the practice and method of collaboratively creating and managing tags to annotate and categorize content according to Wikipedia. Basically it’s letting normal people (versus say artificial intelligence or an administrator) help describe things. For example, adding a tag on flickr or using del.icio.us.

So since WordPress doesn’t currently have anything like a public “Add a Tag” and I haven’t coded a WordPress plugin recently (although I did upgrade WP_MonsterID if anyone is using it), I thought I would code up a quick plugin to see how it works. So here is WP_Folksonomy. It’s fairly basic at the moment but I’d like to get it out there to see if it’s useful and if anyone is interested in it.

Since it uses WordPress’s tagging features WP it’s only going to be compatible with WordPress 2.3 and up.

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